- Features
- Requirements
- Installation
- Screenshots
- Demos
- Changelog
- Documentation
- Support
- Downloads
2.0 Requirements
- At least PHP 5.2 (GoPHP5)
- MySQL 4.1.x is optional for some features
- Apache with mod_rewrite or ISS with ISAPI Rewrite are required for clean urls
- Optional CMS: Drupal 6, Joomla 1.5, Wordpress 2.6 (Download), Xoops 2.3
- Album Grabber (gets album covers from allmusic.com)
Tested (personally)
- Linux: Apache 1.3.x / php5.2
- Linux: Apache 2.2.x / php5.2
- Windows XP: Apache 1.3.x / php5.2
- Browsers: Seamonkey 1.1 / IE6 | Opera
- CMSes: Drupal 6, Joomla 1.5, Wordpress 2.6, Xoops 2.3
- MP3s: ~ 700 artists / ~ 1,800 titles / ~ 25,000 songs
Reported working on
- IIS with ISAPI Rewrite
- Synology NAS. See wiki instructions (thanks to Robin Burnikell)
1.0 Requirements
- PHP 4.1.x on the Apache web server (IIS is not supported, although it may work, see here).
- Any web browser that supports JavaScript and CSS.
- An media player (Winamp, xmms, mpg123, etc.) that supports .m3u or .asx playlists.
- Album Grabber (gets album covers from allmusic.com)
Tested (personally)
- Linux: Apache 1.3.x / php4.3.2 (remotely) [Dual PIII 600 512M]
- Windows 2000: Apache 1.3.x / php4.2.3 (locally) [P4 2.4G 512M]
- Linux/Windows: Apache 2.0.50 / php4.3.9
- Browsers: Mozilla 1.0 / IE5
- MP3s: ~ 450 artists / ~ 1,200 titles / ~ 15,000 songs (locally)
- Postnuke: .71x-.75x / PHPNuke 6.0/7.4 / Mambo 4.5.1 / Xoops 2.0.7 / Drupal 4.6.3 / phpWebsite 0.10.2
Reported working on
- Mac OSX w/ Apache
- Windows 2003, IIS6, PHP 4.3.2
- Windows XP, Apache 2.x, PHP 4.x
- OS/2 and eCS
- NetBSD 1.6.1, Apache 1.3.29, PHP 4.3.4 (Cobalt Qube2)
- Solaris 10 / Sun Java Server 6.1 / PHP 4.3.6
- FreeBSD 5.3, Apache-1.3.31, mod_php4-4.3.8, php4-extensions-1.0
- Synology NAS. See wiki instructions (thanks to Robin Burnikell)