Installation Methods
2.0 | 1.0
WARNING: I never fully updated this for the 1.0 series...
- Stand Alone
- Postnuke / PHPNuke / DragonflyCMS
- Embedded into website
- Xoops
- Mambo
- Drupal
- phpWebSite
- e107
- Read Requirements
- Make sure PHP4 already works in the directory you're going to place Zina.
- If you want to use all features make sure _zina/cache directory exists and is writable by webserver user (easiest and most insecure way is to make it world writable).
If not, set "Use Cache" to false under "Settings" after you log in. - Point your webrowser to the Zina script.
- Make sure demo site works.
- Log in.
- Go to "Settings" and change your password and MP3 directory.
Installation: Postnuke/PHPnuke Module
- Read Requirements
- Unzip zina into modules directory
- Make sure zina directory is named 'zina' and not 'zina-x.x.x'
- If you want to use all features make sure the _zina directory exists and is writable by webserver user (easiest and most insecure way is to make it world writable).
- Point your webrowser to the Zina script (not via *Nuke).
- Make sure demo site works (not via *Nuke).
- Log into Zina.
- Go to "Settings" and change your password and MP3 directory and set "Embed" to appropriate *Nuke.
- Log into your *Nuke site as administrator.
- Do whatever Postnuke requires you to do to add it as a module
- NOTE: When you are logged in as an administrator in Postnuke, you are an administrator in Zina. Go to the normal zina page and you will see more options and a settings icon in the upper right hand corner. There are no settings under the Administration section of p-nuke.
Installation: Embedded into website
- Get Zina working in stand-alone mode.
- The 0.11.x series introduces Themes.
- Go to the _zina/themes directory. Copy a theme directory. Modify it to your hearts content.
HINT: Start with a page from your own website. Copy stuff from template-main.html into that. Rename your page to template-main.html. - One band/album hint: You can use links (per embedded example) ala
where dir is path to appropriate directory (and %20 represents a space in a directory name, %2C for commas, etc.) (for ease, use right click "copy link location" in your browser in embedded example and replace '+' with '%20').
- Install Zina (version 0.12.01 or higher) under XOOPSDIR/module/zina
- Rename index.php to zina.php
- Make sure Zina works in stand-alone mode.
- Download separate Xoops files and put in same directory.
- Open XOOPSDIR/module/zina/zina.php and set $z_embed = 3; near top of file.
- Login as Xoops admin.
- Install Zina module via Xoops
- Change Zina settings to your liking.
- Adjust Xoops Group permissions if you want.
- Install Zina (version 0.12.01 or higher).
- Make sure Zina works in stand-alone mode.
- Open [SOMEDIR]/zina/index.php and set $z_embed = 5; near top of file.
- Download separate Drupal modules file and put in Drupal module directory
- Make sure zina.module has correct permission (644).
- Login as Drupal admin.
- Activate Zina under Modules
- Enable under Menu
- Under "Adminstrator/Zina/Config" set path to Zina dir. Save configuration.
- Under "Administrator/Zina/Settings" change Zina to your liking.
- Adjust Drupal access controls if you want.
- Download separate phpWebSite module files and unzip into PHPWEBSITE/mod/zina directory.
- Install Zina (version 0.12.01 or higher) under PHPWEBSITE/mod/zina
- Make sure the PHPWEBSITE/mod/zina/zina directory (the last dir) is named zina
- If you want to use all features make sure _zina/cache directory exists and is writable by webserver user (easiest and most insecure way is to make it world writable).
If not, set "Use Cache" to false under "Settings" after you log in. - Make sure Zina works in stand-alone mode.
- Open PHPWEBSITE/mod/zina/zina/index.php and set $z_embed = 6; near top of file.
- Login to phpWebSite as admin.
- Install Zina module via "Boost".
- Change Zina settings to your liking under Control Panel->Site Conent->Zina.
- Add Zina to Menu Manager->Add Module Default.
- Download separate e107 plugin files and unzip into E107/e107_plugins/zina directory.
- Install Zina (version 0.12.02 or higher) under E107/e107_plugins/zina
- Make sure zina.php and index.php are in the same directory.
- If you want to use all features make sure _zina/cache directory exists and is writable by webserver user (easiest and most insecure way is to make it world writable).
If not, set "Use Cache" to false under "Settings" after you log in. - Make sure Zina works in stand-alone mode.
- Open E107/e107_plugins/zina/index.php and set $z_embed = 7; near top of file.
- Login to e107 as admin.
- Install Zina plugin under Admin Area->Plugin Manager
- Change Zina settings to your liking under Admin Area->Zina.
- Download separate Mambo wrapper component and install via Mambo.
- Copy regular Zina files (version 0.11.09 or higher) into MAMBODIR/components/com_zina/ (so that zina.php and index.php are in the same directory)
- Open MAMBODIR/components/com_zina/index.php and set $z_embed = 4; near top of file.
- While still logged in as Mambo admin, change Zina settings to your liking.
- If you want to use all features make sure _zina/cache directory exists and is writable by webserver user (easiest and most insecure way is to make it world writable).
If not, set "Use Cache" to false under "Settings" after you log in.
- Paul Roberts says: The problem with IIS is that it doesn't have some of the server variables that Apache does (specifically DOCUMENT_ROOT and SERVER_ADDR). To overcome this you need to add them to the System Environmental Variables (Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environmental Variables) and it will all work ok.
DOCUMENT_ROOT C:\Inetpub\wwwroot
SERVER_ADDR - Continue with one of the installation methods above