2003 Mar 15: UPDATE: Well, I haven't done anything with this in years.
You might want to take a look at aRanger, if this doesn't do it for you.
README This program will rename MP3 files. Features: - It can search directories recursively. - Upper, Lower or Title case files - Changes underscores to spaces and vice versa. - Form file names from ID3v1(.1) tag (artist, song title, album, track number) if they exist and the existing file name. - Test mode - Smart/Stoopid/Safer mode: - won't overwrite existing files, - change #'s to 0#'s at beginning of files, - try to enfore '## - BLAH' instead of '##-BLAH' or '## -BLAH', etc., - if %[Nn], try not to append track number if track number already exists, - more... Requirements: - Perl 5.00? - Perl IO module Install: - Put someplace where you can execute it conveniently. Examples: - Get list of options: -h or perl -h - Run in test mode, changes underscores to spaces, title case, add track number if it exists: -Dstrf "%N%f" i.e. would change "saddest_tale.mp3" to "05 - Saddest Tale.mp3" (if ID3 present) or "Saddest Tale.mp3" (if no ID3 tag) Todo: - Modularize - Make moe betta License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself (like I've ever read 'em). Thanks: - Sander van Zoest (, the author of the MP3::ID3v1Tag module, who I, er, based the ID3v1.1 code on. - Dan Airhart for his bad naming of MP3 files. - Napster (free (as in beer) Metallica! get it while it's hot.) Changes: v0.1.0 Initial Release